Aged Care
Saward Dawson provides a range of services to many residential aged care facilities and retirement villages across Australia.
Aid and Mission
Saward Dawson is proud to partner with various non-government organisations to support the wellbeing of the community through our Aid and Mission Sector.
Community Services
At Saward Dawson, we are acutely aware of the importance of those who work in our communities and the benefits they provide.
Disability and Community Health
Saward Dawson has a long and valued relationship with the disability services sector.
The Education Sector is continuous changing and we help organisations with the audit & assurance requirements, governance, business and operating analysis, and financial modelling.
Now, more than ever, Saward Dawson recognises the importance of supporting organisations that work on protecting and improving our natural environment.
Fair Work Registered Organisations
We provide a range of services to Fair Work Registered Organisations including auditing and accounting services.
We have the expertise and experience to attend to various accounting, taxation and business requirements of those involved in the medical industry.
Member-Based Organisations & Peak Bodies
Saward Dawson provides a range of service to many member-based organisations and peak bodies across Australia.
Philanthropy and Social Enterprise
Philanthropic trusts and social enterprises form an important and growing sector, and collectively provide a significant non-government source of funding to the broader not-for-profit sector.
Saward Dawson provides significant assurance and other services to the religious sector.
Sporting and Community Clubs
Saward Dawson provides a variety of services to sporting and other community based NFP clubs.