Audit and Assurance

Identifying practical solutions and providing balanced and realistic advice.

Commercial Audit

Our audits of business clients are designed to meet your requirements and assist you grow your business.

Not-for-Profit Audit

Not-for-profits have different objectives and requirements. As a specialist not-for-profit auditor we can ensure we meet your needs.

Internal Audit

Analysing risks, assessing internal controls and undertaking data analysis all form part of our internal audit service offering.

Grants and Acquittals

Do you need assurance over your grant funding? We are familiar with many grant requirements enabling efficient and timely acquittals.

Due Dilligence

Our due diligence approach focuses on the key risks to enable you to make a fully informed evaluation of any merger or acquisition.

Limited Scope

Do you need assurance over a component or report. Our flexible audit approach ensures limited scope engagements are low impact on you and your organisation.

Do you need assistance with your Audit and Assurance requirements?

We are specialists in Audit & Assurance services. See how we can help provide you with a value added audit.

Meet the Team

Taxation Services

Commercial Audit

We undertake the statutory audit of many commercial businesses that require audits for a variety of reasons: 

  • they are a public company 
  • they meet the definition of a large company (under the Corporations Act) 
  • they are a small foreign controlled company 
  • it is a requirement under their financing facilities 
  • it is a requirement under their shareholder agreement or Constitution

Our Commercial Audit are undertaken in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. We pride ourselves on the value we bring to these audits by focusing on providing insight into internal control systems, quality and completeness of accounting records, adequacy of accounting policies, compliance with applicable legislation and advice about the risks faced by the business.

Latest technology adding value 

We undertake fully electronic audits and embrace advanced data interrogation techniques that enable to use our expertise and judgement in the interpretation of variances and exceptions. 

We are proud of and value our working relationships with both management and governance bodies which allow us to provide maximum value whilst maintaining strict independence. 

We would be happy to talk to you about how our audit services can provide value to your business. 

For more information please contact Edward Jones.

Not-for-Profit Audit

Saward Dawson’s audit team see opportunities to partner with you in your not-for-profit sector.

It is a privilege to be able to serve your Not-for-Profit (NFP) through our audit service offerings. Saward Dawson is known for its long-standing commitment and proven expertise in this sector.  We pride ourselves in the provision of a full range of assurance, advisory and consulting services. We also take pride in how we support and walk alongside those within this sector. This support involves engagement with organisation’s such as the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), and the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB).

A NFP has its own distinct needs and obligations in every industry. To help you meet those needs, our dedicated team of passionate and experienced staff have developed a broad knowledge of your industry. We have widespread and extensive experience with not-for-profit audits. This includes audits of grant acquittals. In addition to this, we also provide an extended audit service. Our extended audit service aims to ‘fill the gap’ between the annual statutory requirements and the broader better practice policies. We also provide assistance around process improvement.

Saward Dawson’s not-for-profit audit service is a partnership to support you

We understand that our clients are not only after an audit report at the end of the process, but also a professional partner. By partnering with us, we can provide you with additional value through accurate and timely advice. Sector knowledge, training opportunities and a commitment to continuous improvement processes are also among the other services we can provide you with. It’s a high bar but we strive to deliver value to our client’s every day.

Saward Dawson’s not-for-profit audit service is a partnership to support your organisation’s governance. Our team value relationship, and we seek to engage with different levels of your team to provide the best results.

Head over to our Industries Page to find out more!

For more information please contact Matthew Crouch.

Internal Audit

Internal audits

An onternal audit is a broad base assurance function to strengthen organisational operation and governance. It is designed to be an independent, objective assurance activity designed to add value to business operations and assists organisation to accomplish its objectives by: 

  • Bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to business risk evaluation 
  • Improving the effectiveness of risk management processes 
  • Improving the effectiveness of internal control processes 

We offer a flexible engagement approach in customising engagements based on your organisational needs. A non-exhaustive list of services offered by our internal audit experts are as follows: 

  • Focussed systems control assessment 
  • System data integrity assessment 
  • Specialised Payroll and Payments data based assessment 
  • Systems crossover assessment 
  • Operational health and safety compliance assessment 
  • Business and operational risk analysis 
  • Information system controls assessment 
  • Business acquisition risk based due diligence analysis. 

We like to see businesses thrive in all aspects of operation. We view internal audit as a pivotal catalyst to efficient and effective organisational business management and governance. Our internal audit process is designed and executed in accordance with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and Code of Ethics. 

We would be pleased to talk to you about how an internal audit could add value to your business. 

For more information please contact Jeff Tulk.

Grants and Acquittals

Many NFP organisations receive funding that requires separate Grants and Acquittals confirming the funds have been spent in accordance with the terms of the grant.

We work with our clients to determine the format of the reporting requirements, the type of assurance required and the timing of the assurance report. The responsibility for compliance with the terms of the grant is the responsibility of the client however we regularly provide our clients with an outline of the information required for the audit of the acquittal.

Where possible the gathering of this information is incorporated into our audit procedures to ensure the acquittal process can be undertaken efficiently.

Our grant acquittal audits are undertaken in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards and the requirements of the funding agreement.  As part of the acquittal process we provide feedback in relation to opportunities for improvement.

We undertake fully electronic audits embracing advanced data interrogation techniques that enable to use our expertise in the interpretation of variances, exceptions and matters requiring skill and judgement.

We are proud of and value our working relationships with both management and governance bodies. They help to ensure that maximum value is provided whilst maintaining strict independence.

For more information please contact Kane Noorbergen.

Due Diligence

Organisations in both the commercial and the not-for-profit sectors often have business or acquisition opportunities. On many occasions, management or the governance body will require an independent opinion of certain aspects of the financial risks.

An emphasis on purpose

We design our diligence procedures with an emphasis on the purpose and objectives of the due diligence activity. This involves working closely with management or a project team to determine what key risks might exist, which of the key risks could have material financial consequences and the nature of evidence that would provide greater insight into the potential risk consequences.

We assist many organisations in the design and execution of due diligence processes as part of business restructures, mergers and acquisitions.

We also provide review services for financial viability assessments, financial modelling and costing projects.

We are proud of and value our working relationships with both management and governance bodies. They help to ensure that maximum value is provided whilst maintaining strict independence. We would be pleased to talk to you about how our audit services can provide value to your business.

For more information please contact Matthew Crouch.

Limited Scope Audit and Reviews

A limited scope audit or review allows organisations to seek greater comfort in relation to perceived areas of financial business risk.  A limited scope audit or review may also be required when management wish to demonstrate high standards of accountability, present a greater level of credibility or where various stakeholders require assurance over specific areas.

Limited scope audits or reviews may also be used for smaller organisations to enable them to access the services of reputable assurance providers where the cost / benefit of a full audit undertaken in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards is not considered appropriate.  These engagements can allow smaller organisations to access tailored and quality assurance services at an affordable price. 

We are proud and value our working relationships with both management and governance bodies which allow us to provide maximum value whilst maintaining strict independence. 

We would be pleased to talk to you about how our limited scope audit and review services can provide value to your business. 

For more information please contact Jeff Tulk.

In depth knowledge of our clients and the industries.

The Saward Dawson audit methodology and approach is designed to ensure we perform a complete a quality risk based audit that will assist those in governance fulfil their responsibilities. We are committed to identifying pragmatic and practical solutions to issues and providing balanced and realistic advice and recommendations.

We understand that our clients are not only after an audit report but also a professional partner who can provide additional value through accurate and timely advice, sector knowledge, training opportunities and a commitment to continuous improvement processes. 

With over 20 dedicated audit staff we structure our teams to ensure long term relationships that build in depth knowledge of our clients and the industries they operate within. These relationships enable us to apply this experience to your organisation.

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