Get mentored
Whatever challenges your business faces, you can be sure that someone has gone through something similar before you. There are a number of government and community programmes that will put you in touch with other business people who can assist with the journey.
Enter some of these names into your search engine to get started:
- Business Victoria
- Enterprise Connect
- The Executive Connection (TEC)
- Small Business Mentoring Service
- Innovic
- Austrade
- Regional Development Victoria
- Your local council business group
Many of the government programmes have services which are free or have a nominal cost. Some will provide cash grants to assist you in developing markets and technologies.
Saward Dawson has a number of experienced small business advisors who can be your first point of contact in starting a new business and can travel the journey with you. Where appropriate, we can also direct you to other specialist services for your business.
For more information and assistance with starting a business, please contact your Saward Dawson advisor.