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Big effort for all as we raised funds for Summer Foundation

Over the Christmas period Saward Dawson supported ‘Summer Foundation’. The Summer Foundation exists to resolve the issue of young people living in Residential Aged Care.

Today in Australia more than 5,800 young people (aged under 65) with a disability are forced to live in Aged Care. Some of these people move into Aged Care in their 20s or 30s. They find themselves living among people aged in their 80s. Living in Aged Care has devastating consequences for a young person.

We feel so privileged to announce that we raised a total of $26,000 for Summer Foundation. Peter Shields’ bike ride (which you can find more of here) had lots of client support that was double matched by Count Charitable Foundation and another family fund. Saward Dawson also donated in lieu of client Christmas gifts.

We want to say a big thank you to all of the clients and staff who so generously donated to support Peter’s bike ride for Summer Foundation.

To read more about what Summer Foundation do, head to: